Харанжевская Юлия Александровна


Общее число записей - 47
1 Kharanzhevskaya Y. A., Siniutkina A.A., Ovsyannikova V.S. Post-pyrogenic Changes in the Microflora and Water Chemistry of the Drained Part of the Great Vasyugan Mire (Tomsk Region) // Solid Fuel Chemistry. 2024. Т. 58, № 2. С. 145‒150. DOI: 10.3103/S0361521924020095
2 Харанжевская Ю.А., Синюткина А.А., Овсянникова В.С. Постпирогеннные изменения микрофлоры и химического состава болотных вод осушенного участка Бакчарского болота (Томская область) // Химия твердого топлива. 2024. № 2. С. 68‒74. DOI: 10.31857/S0023117724020117
3 Characteristics of flora and vegetation of Kolmakhtun Lake – Nature Reserve of local significance of Tomsk Region (West Siberia, Russia) / V.P. Amelchenko, T.A. Blyakharchuk, Yu.A. Kharanzhevskaya, R.M. Manasypov [et al] // Acta Biologica Sibirica. 2024. Vol. 10. P. 1389‒1399. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14258419
4 Soil Water Regime, Air Temperature, and Precipitation as the Main Drivers of the Future Greenhouse Gas Emissions from West Siberian Peatlands / A.A. Mikhalchuk, Y.A. Kharanzhevskaya, E.N. Burnashova, E.V. Nekhoda [et al] // Water. 2023. Vol. 15, № 17. Art. num. 3056. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/15/17/3056.
5 Composition of the Organic Compounds of Different Peat Types from the Southern Taiga Subzone of Western Siberia / Y.A. Kharanzhevskaya, O.V. Serebrennikova, I.V. Russkikh, E.B. Strelnikova [et al] // Solid Fuel Chemistry. 2023. Vol. 57, № 1. P. 21‒28. DOI: 10.3103/S0361521923020131
6 Kharanzhevskaya Y., Gashkova L., Sinyutkina A., Kvasnikova Z. Assessment of Present-Day Heavy Metals Pollution and Factors Controlling Surface Water Chemistry of Three Western Siberian Sphagnum-Dominated Raised Bogs // Water. 2023. Vol. 15, № 10. Art. num. 1869. DOI: 10.3390/w15101869
7 Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions into the Atmosphere from the Northern Peatlands Using the Wetland-DNDC Simulation Model: A Case Study of the Great Vasyugan Mire, Western Siberia / A.A. Mikhalchuk, L.P. Borilo, E.N. Burnashova, Y.A. Kharanzhevskaya [et al] // Atmosphere. 2022. Vol. 13, № 12. Art. num. 2053. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/13/12/2053.
8 Kharanzhevskaya Y.A. Diurnal and seasonal dynamics of the electrical conductivity of water of the northeastern part of the Great Vasyugan Mire (Western Siberia) //IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021. Vol. 928. Art. num. 012005.
9 Kharanzhevskaya Y.A., Gashkova L.P., Siniutkina A.A. Assessment of the effect of drainage on the accumulation of Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd in bog plants: a case study of two raised bogs in Western Siberia // Mires and Peat. 2021. Vol. 27. Art. num. 23. URL: http://www.mires-and-peat.net/pages/volumes/map27/map2723.php (date of access: 10.06.2022). DOI: 10.19189/MaP.2021.OMB.StA.2192
10 Торфяные болота Сибири: функционирование, ресурсы, восстановление : материалы четвертой международной научной конференции, 1-8 октября 2021 года, г. Томск, Россия /отв. за вып.: Ю. А. Харанжевская. Томск, 2021. 151 с.
11 Burnashova E.N., Kharanzhevskaya Y.A. Assessment of the post-pyrogenic water toxicity in the north-eastern part of the Great Vasyugan Mire (Western Siberia) //IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. Vol. 408, № 1. P. 1-11.
12 Siniutkina A.A., Gashkova L.P., Koronatova N.G., Maloletko A.A., Mirony'cheva-Tokareva N.P., Russkikh I.V., Serebrennikova O.V., Strel`nikova E.V., Vishniakova E.K., Kharanzhevskaia I.A. Post-fire ecological consequences within the drained site of the GreatVasyugan Mire: retrospective water-thermal regime and pyrogenicdisturbance estimation //IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. Vol. 408, № 1. P. 1-8.
13 Monitoring the Atmospheric Deposition of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb within the Area of the Great Vasyugan Mire / Kharanzhevskaya Y. A. [et al] // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics. 2020. Vol. 33, № 5. P. 500‒504. DOI: 10.1134/S1024856020050176
14 Russkikh I.V., Strelnikova E.B., Serebrennikova O.V., Voistinova E.S., Kharanzhevskaia I.A. Identification of Hydrocarbons in the Waters of Raised Bogsin the Southern Taiga of Western Siberia //Geochemistry International. 2020. Vol. 58, № 8. P. 447-455.
15 Kharanzhevskaya Y.A., Maloletko A.A., Siniutkina A.A., Giełczewski M., Kirschey T., Michałowski R., Mirosław-Świątek D., Okruszko T., Osuch P., Trandziuk P., Grygoruk M. Assessing mire-river interaction in a pristine Siberian bog-dominated watershed case study of a part of the Great Vasyugan Mire, Russia //Journal of Hydrology. 2020. Vol. 590. P. 1-14.
16 Kharanzhevskaya Y.A., Voistinova E.S., Siniutkina A.A. Spatial and temporal variations in mire surface water chemistry as a function of geology, atmospheric circulation and zonal features in the south-eastern part of Western Siberia //Science of the Total Environment. 2020. Vol. 733. P. 1-19.
17 Water seasonal dynamics of organic compounds distribution in raised bog of southern taiga (Western Siberia) / Kharanzhevskaia I.A., Serebrennikova O.V., Strelnikova E.B., Russkikh I.V. [et al] // Химия в интересах устойчивого развития. 2019. Vol. 27, № 1. P. 53‒60. DOI: 10.15372
18 Харанжевская Ю.А., Синюткина А.А., Гашкова Л.П. Интегральная оценка пирогенной нагрузки по содержанию Cu, Pb, Zn и Cd в компонентах Васюганского болота (Западная Сибирь) //Геосферные исследования=Geosphere Research. 2019. № 4. С. 62-73.
19 Maloletko A.A., Siniutkina A.A., Gashkova L.P., Kharanzhevskaia I.A., Magur M.G., Voistinova E.S., Ivanova E.S., Chudinovskaya L.A., Khaustova A.A. Effects of long-term drainage on vegetation, surface topography, hydrology and water chemistry of north-eastern part of Great Vasyugan Mire (Western Siberia) //IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2018. Vol. 211. P. 1-10.
20 Serebrennikova O.V., Russkikh I.V., Strelnikova E.B., Kharanzhevskaia I.A., Voistinova E.S. Composition and Sources of Dissolved Organic Matterof Bog Waters in the Southern Taiga of Western Siberia //AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2051. P. 1-4.