Ляхович Семен Леонидович
Общее число записей - 52
41 | Kaparulin D.S., Karataeva I.Yu., Lyakhovich S.L. Higher derivative extensions of 3d Chern-Simons models: conservation laws and stability //European Physical Journal C. 2015. Vol. 75, № 11. P. 552-1-552-10. |
42 | Latyshev A.M., Lyakhovich S.L., Sharapov A.A. Null-Curves in R^{2,n} as Flat Dynamical Systems // Russian Physics Journal. 2015. Vol. 58, № 7. P. 959‒964. |
43 | Lyakhovich S.L., Sharapov A.A. Gauge symmetries in 2D field theory //Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2015. Vol. 97. P. 227-242. |
44 | Латышев А.М., Ляхович С.Л., Шарапов А.А. Изотропные кривые в R(2,n) как плоские динамические системы //Известия вузов. Физика. 2015. Т. 58, № 7. С. 76-80. |
45 | Kaparulin D.S., Lyakhovich S.L. On the Stability of a Nonlinear Oscillator with Higher Derivatives // Russian Physics Journal. 2015. Vol. 57, № 11. P. 1561‒1565. DOI: 10.1007/s11182-015-0419-7 |
46 | Капарулин Д.С., Ляхович С.Л. О стабильности нелинейного осциллятора свысшими производными //Известия вузов. Физика. 2014. Т. 57, № 11. С. 96-99. |
47 | Lyakhovich S.L., Sharapov A.A. Multiple choice of gauge generators and consistency of interactions //Modern Physics Letters A. 2014. Vol. 29, № 31. P. 1450167. |
48 | Kaparulin D.S., Lyakhovich S.L., Sharapov A.A. Classical and quantum stability of higher-derivative dynamics //European Physical Journal C. 2014. Vol. 74, № 10. P. 3072. |
49 | Francia D., Lyakhovich S.L., Sharapov A.A. On the gauge symmetries of Maxwell-like higher-spin Lagrangians //Nuclear Physics B. 2014. Vol. 881. P. 248-268. |
50 | Kaparulin D.S., Lyakhovich S.L., Sharapov A.A. Lagrange Anchor for Bargmann – Wigner Equations //Geometric Methods in Physics. Basel: Springer, 2013. P. 119-126. |
51 | Kaparulin D.S., Lyaxovich S.L., Sharapov A.A. BRST analysis of general mechanical systems //Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2013. Vol. 74. P. 164-184. |
52 | Lyakhovich S.L., Kaparulin D.S., Sharapov A.A. Consistent interactions and involution //Journal of High Energy Physics. 2013. № 1. P. 97-127. |
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